Cardiff Event : Community in conversation

Event Highlights:

  • Warm Welcome: Commenced with a welcoming networking session over tea and coffee.
  • Keynote Address: Prof Diane Crone set the tone with essential insights into the Welsh context.
  • ATTAIN Introduction: Dr Leigh Breen illuminated ATTAIN's crucial role in the University of Birmingham.
  • Success Showcase: Engaging presentations featuring Cardiff City Football Club and the ACTIF health project.
  • Interactive Workshops: Participants actively identified challenges and proposed solutions in dynamic exchange.
  • Lunch and Active Break: Gardens offered an energizing break, preparing for the second workshop.
  • Summing Up: The day concluded with collective discussions, identifying actionable next steps.
  • Networking Finale: The event wrapped up at 15:00 , providing a final networking opportunity, fostering future collaborations.


Key Outcomes of the event: 

  • Dynamic Expertise Exchange:

The event witnessed an impactful convergence of community voices, third-sector representatives, local authorities, and practitioners, contributing invaluable expertise to the discourse on healthy aging.

Dynamic Expertise Exchange

Dynamic Expertise Exchange






  • Inspiring Success Stories:

Engaging discussions focused on equitable physical activity unveiled inspiring success stories, showcasing the positive impact of proactive health initiatives.

Inspiring success stories

 Inspiring success stories





  • Creative Solutions Development:

Participants actively collaborated in developing creative solutions, fostering a vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere throughout the day.

Creative solution development overcoming barriers








Explore the firsthand impressions of our event directly from the attendees' feedback: 

Enjoyable, informative, Interesting, Good networking, Pitched well, Could share ideas, Enjoyable, Great, Fab, Different voices, Interactive, loved it, made personal and work connections, Good mix, Nice to highlight 3rd sector work, Community voices, Energised but relaxed day, Made good contacts, Well organised, Interesting speakers.

This event provided a platform for insightful discussions and fostered a collaborative spirit, laying the foundation for ongoing efforts in promoting healthy aging in communities.